Ash-throated Flycatcher (Myiarchus cinerascens) photos by Larry Jordan It had rained heavily most of the night so I wasn’t surprised to see a soaked Ash-throated Flycatcher (Myiarchus cinerascens) this morning. According to my nest box monitoring records, it was seventeen days after hatching and the nestlings should be ready to fledge (click on photos for […]
Author: Larry Jordan

Do You Consider Cliff Swallows Pests?
Keep your eye on the adult swallow in the top center of the frame in the last few seconds of the video. He or she is grabbed by the beak and pulled right out of the nest! For more more up to the minute news on bird conservation issues, check my “Birds in the News” […]

Belted Kingfishers Feeding Their Young
I was out at Lema Ranch checking on Bluebird houses Sunday and heard the rattling commotion of the Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon). I turned to see three Kingfishers flying in and around a willow tree overhanging Secluded Pond, one of the five ponds on the property. Click on photos for full sized images. Well, I’ve […]

Crucial Bird Conservation Programs Cut 50% by The House
(Washington, D.C., June 22, 2012) American Bird Conservancy In a move attacked by bird conservation groups as “one of the most regressive wildlife appropriations” ever, crucial conservation programs were slashed by 50% of FY 2012 funding levels in a funding bill approved by the House Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee for Fiscal Year […]

Tree Swallows and Their Nestlings
Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) are cavity nesters just like Bluebirds. If you are a Bluebird trail monitor, especially if your trail is near water, you are very likely to have Tree Swallows nesting in your nest boxes. Click on photos for full sized images. One of my Bluebird trails is at Lema Ranch, a facility […]

California Quail Female with Chicks
I took a trip into town a few days ago, mostly for garden supplies. On the way home with the car loaded with all kinds of stuff, I realized that I had forgotten to stop at the local feed store. I was only about a mile past the store so I turned around in the […]

Red-tailed Hawks Nesting on High Power Tower
I’ve been chronicling this pair of Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) and submitting their breeding records to Cornell Lab for the last four years. Last year was not so good as the pair hatched two eyas and lost them after a huge storm in late May. I never saw them at the nest after that storm […]

Killdeer Nest, Eggs and Young
For more more up to the minute news on bird conservation issues, check my “Birds in the News” page, brought to you by the American Bird Conservancy. You will also find posts on local birds and birding in California on my blog The Birder’s Report.