President Obama has added 10 new refuges in his first term. Many of these refuges and associated Conservation Areas, which have the potential to protect more than 1 million acres of vital wildlife habitat, have been forged through creative partnerships with sportsmen, conservation groups and private landowners. As a result, animals like the Florida panther […]
Author: Larry Jordan

Log Spotted Owl Habitat Again? Didn’t We Already Make That Mistake Once?
The recent proposed Critical Habitat designation for the Northern Spotted Owl does not protect the threatened species charge the Society for Conservation Biology, The Wildlife Society, American Bird Conservancy, and other groups. Comments submitted by the groups find that, by encouraging controversial and unproven logging practices in owl habitat, the draft plan fails to provide […]

Could This Be Another Pine Siskin Irruption?
The Pine Siskin (Spinus pinus) is another irruptive bird species like the Red-breasted Nuthatch which is still hanging around my house. I am getting these finches at my feeders and at the water feature now. Could this be another Pine Siskin irruption year like the 2008 – 2009 winter? Pine Siskins are distributed across much […]

The Red-breasted Nuthatches Are Still Here!
The Red-breasted Nuthatches (Sitta canadensis) that came to my home about a month ago are still here! The male shown above (click on photos for full sized images) is distinguished from the female shown below by his black forehead, crown and nape. The top of the female’s head is a more bluish-gray rather than black […]

Anna’s Hummingbird at Cardinal Climber
Anna’s Hummingbirds (Calpte anna) are still buzzing around our garden. We usually have some hummingbirds that remain here during the winter so I leave my feeders up until I don’t see any hummers for several weeks. Click on photos for full sized images. To see more great bird photos, check out The Bird D’pot and […]

The Wedge Pack, a Washington State Wolf Pack, Exterminated Because Of One Arrogant Rancher
The gray wolf is an endangered species throughout Washington under state law and is endangered under federal law in the western two-thirds of the state. Wolves were once common throughout most of Washington, but declined rapidly from being aggressively killed during the expansion of ranching and farming between 1850 and 1900. Wolves were eliminated as […]

To International Bird Rescue “Every Bird Matters”
These Common Murre Chicks (Uria aalge) were just one of the treats I was able to witness at the International Bird Rescue Center in the San Francisco Bay Area last weekend. Michelle Bellizzi, the Wildlife Center Manager, gave me a thorough and very informative tour of the San Francisco Bay facility. International Bird Rescue is […]

Hawkwatch 2012, Golden Gate Raptor Observatory
I can’t believe that I had never been to a hawkwatch event! These events occur every year, usually from August through early December when hawks begin to migrate South for the winter (check your local hawkwatch for exact dates). Above is the view from Hawk Hill in the Marin headlands north of San Francisco where […]