Ways to Improve The Value of Your Pet Practice

Ways to Improve The Value of Your Pet Practice

Pet practice generally involves focusing on outpatient care services, preventive medicine, and treatment, in addition to offering a small range of surgical options testing and inpatient facilities. Recently veterinary clinics have begun expanding the amount and scope of medical care. They are looking into covering several specialist areas and deploying a variety of experienced medical […]

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Great News – WildFocus is now available to browse on your mobile phone

Great News – WildFocus is now available to browse on your mobile phone

Following popular request the WildFocus wildlife photo galleries are now available to browse on your mobile phone. The structure is fairly intuitive but we thought a simple tutorial might be useful to highlight the functionality: 1) WildFocus Top Page The top page of WildFocus displays images from all categories, galleries and members in uploaded date […]

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