Results of the Best Photo of the Week Ended 07 Feb 2014

Results of the Best Photo of the Week Ended 07 Feb 2014

We are delighted to announce the RESULTS of our latest “Best Photo of the Week” Competition. First Prize is awarded to David Courtenay for his outstanding photo ‘Grey Fox in Snow’. Walter Baliero wins Second Prize with ‘Mother and Son’ and Third Prize goes to Silvestr Szabó for ‘Smile’ (see images below). Submit your Photo for the Next Competition Don’t […]

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Results of the Best Photo of the Week Ended 18 Jan 2014

Results of the Best Photo of the Week Ended 18 Jan 2014

We are delighted to announce the RESULTS of our latest “Best Photo of the Week” Competition. First Prize is awarded to W. Nussbaumer for his outstanding photo ‘Hummingbird Trio’. Jacobus De Wet wins Second Prize with’Walking on Water’ and Third Prize goes to Silvestr Szabó for ‘Loxodonta africana’ (see images below). Now that the results for this competition have […]

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Results of the Best Photo of the Week Ended 11 Jan 2014

Results of the Best Photo of the Week Ended 11 Jan 2014

We are delighted to announce the RESULTS of our latest “Best Photo of the Week” Competition. First Prize is awarded to Michael Tweddle for his outstanding photo ‘Amazilia Hummingbird’. Bouke Atema wins Second Prize with ‘The Pallid Scops Owl in Kuwait’ and Third Prize goes to Susan Schermer for ‘Burrowing Owls’ (see images below). Now that the results for this […]

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Review: Wildlife Forensic Investigation: Principles and Practice

Review: Wildlife Forensic Investigation: Principles and Practice

This book provides an in-depth introduction to the rapidly evolving field of wildlife forensics – that is, the application of forensic science to the conservation and protection of non-domesticated animals, both in the wild and in captivity. It chronicles aspects of the history of management, conservation and environmental protection, with an emphasis on their global […]

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