Beaver at the Cable Pool, Naraguagus River, Maine

Beaver at the Cable Pool, Naraguagus River, Maine

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This North American Beaver (Castor canadensis) has taken up residence in the famous Cable Pool on the Naraguagus River in Cherryfield, Maine.

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The Cable Pool was one of the most popular fishing spots during the heyday of Atlantic Salmon fishing. While restoration efforts are made to bring back this wonderful fish, the Cable Pool is now a park and a great place for a picnic.

Cable Pool Park from Downeast Fisheries Trail

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Beavers are the second largest rodent in North America and are famous for constructing lodges and dams. Along the Naraguagus, the beavers build their lodges on the banks of deep pools and haven’t seemed to attempt to dam the river…..yet.

Beaver facts

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The Naraguagus River and it’s Cable Pool are legend for fly casters. Here is a great video of one famous Salmon angler, Ted Williams.

Fly casting for Atlantic Salmon with Ted Williams

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You can still see these rod holders along the bank….the fishermen used to line up and wait for a turn to try their luck in the Cable Pool

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Working hard to save the noble Atlantic Salmon and it’s environment is The Downeast Salmon Federation.

Downeast Salmon Federation

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Hope to see you all next spring at the Cable Pool.

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Steven Scott

Steven Scott

Steven Scott is a photonaturalist blogger based in Florida and Maine. He has surveyed butterflies with Earthwatch Institute in the mountains of Vietnam, tagged juvenile snook with Mote Marine Laboratory in the mangroves of Florida and filmed a BioBlitz insect survey in Acadia National Park. A registered nurse and retired Army officer, Steven believes man is an integral part of nature and travels annually to Vietnam with humanitarian medical teams from Vets With a Mission.

Steven Scott

Steven Scott

Steven Scott is a photonaturalist blogger based in Florida and Maine. He has surveyed butterflies with Earthwatch Institute in the mountains of Vietnam, tagged juvenile snook with Mote Marine Laboratory in the mangroves of Florida and filmed a BioBlitz insect survey in Acadia National Park. A registered nurse and retired Army officer, Steven believes man is an integral part of nature and travels annually to Vietnam with humanitarian medical teams from Vets With a Mission.

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