Painted Lady Butterflies Travel 2,600 Miles Across the Atlantic

Painted Lady Butterflies Travel 2,600 Miles Across the Atlantic

Painted lady butterflies, scientifically known as Vanessa cardui, are known for their impressive migratory feats. These insects are found on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. A recent study published in June by Nature Communications has unveiled astonishing details about their migration patterns, revealing that these butterflies travel thousands of miles across oceans. According to […]

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Australian Animal Sanctuary Ends Koala Cuddling Amid Animal Welfare Concerns

Australian Animal Sanctuary Ends Koala Cuddling Amid Animal Welfare Concerns

Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary in Brisbane, Australia, known as the world’s first koala sanctuary since its opening in 1927, has announced that it will end its long-standing practice of allowing visitors to cuddle koalas. This change, effective from Monday, comes in response to visitor feedback and growing calls from animal welfare organizations to outlaw the […]

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