Feeding male American Kestral

Feeding male American Kestral

Feeding male American Kestral
5 frame stop action of an American Kestrel

I photographed a male American Kestrel -Falco sparverius – as he fed this morning.

He used a large Cordon Cactus as his look-out post and sallied forth to catch large insects on the ground. He would return to his look-out post to eat. During one of his flights I set my camera on ‘high speed burst mode’ and got a stop action sequence. The five images of the sequence took at little less than a second (@ 7 frames/sec).

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I could not make out what type of insect. I assumed it was a large grasshopper.

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In all he ate 8 insects in about 1/2 hour.

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A handsome member of the Falcon family. He is fairly common and is found through out North America.

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John Spencer

Bird Photographer located in southern Baja, Mexico


John Spencer

Bird Photographer located in southern Baja, Mexico

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