The wet season in South East Brazil runs from November to March. In the atlantic forest, the rain is almost permanent. Sometimes, however, it is possibly to use this critical photography condition as an advantage.
This photo was taken on a cloudy day, under a thin rain in the forest of Ubatuba, Brasil . The small drops on the black head of the bird, were emphasized firing a flash set at 1/32 (low level output) just enough to reach the bird
D300 Nikon 80-400 mm f 6 1/250 ISO 500 manual flash 1/32 Monopod.
Jose Garcia Allievi
Ing. en electronica, recibido en la Universidad del Sur en Bahia Blanca. Casado tres hijos, trabajé en la industria petrolera por 38 años.Gusto de la fotografÃa de aves, en especial picaflores. Comencé a fotografiar aves en los ultimos meses en Venezuela y Brasil donde participé de un workshop de fotografia de aves en Ubatuba con el profesor Joao Quental. Miembro de AUDUBON Venezuela y Aves Argentinas
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