Monjita blanca (White monjita)

Monjita blanca (White monjita)

La foto es un asco, se nubló, cambiaron todos los colores, se apaga el contraste y el contraluz jugó en contra, pero como la Monjita se posó bien cerca no estaba para desaprovechar la oportunidad y a pesar de todas las contras le saqué una foto.

SMA 3616blog
White Monjita (Xolmis irupero)

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Marcelo Allende

Dedicated to bird photography as a hobby since 2010. In my blog I show some of the wealth of the country's most important area for bird watching in Argentina, only in my province there are 600 species of birds.


Marcelo Allende

Dedicated to bird photography as a hobby since 2010. In my blog I show some of the wealth of the country's most important area for bird watching in Argentina, only in my province there are 600 species of birds.

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