Bonaparte’s Gull

Bonaparte’s Gull

MG 4426 L
Bonaparte’s Gull

There are several Bonaparte’s Gulls that have been hanging around the rte 417 bridge over Lake Jesup. This morning I drove by there on my way into work, and three of them were hanging around Overlook Park. A couple of them were flying circles around pier where I was standing. One in particular was very interested in making sure it looked good for the camera and decided to fix its feathers while flying so that it would be in perfect form for me. He also flew up a little stream so that I could photograph it with a green background–I don’t get many gull shots with a green background behind them.

MG 4427 L
Bonaparte’s Gull

MG 4432 L
Bonaparte’s Gull

MG 4433 L
Bonaparte’s Gull

MG 4439 L
Bonaparte’s Gull

MG 4481 L
Bonaparte’s Gull

MG 4534 L
Bonaparte’s Gull

MG 4535 L
Bonaparte’s Gull

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Scott Simmons

Scott Simmons

Scott Simmons, based in Florida, is a lover of nature, landscape, and wildlife photography. Scott became interested in photography in 2001 when he was given his first SLR camera. When he acquired a telephoto lens, he became progressively more interested in birds and other wildlife. Scott enjoys learning about bird habitats and behavior, striving always to take images that are both beautiful and interpretive. Scott believes photography is a great vehicle to help others to appreciate the wonder for the stuff of earth.

Scott Simmons

Scott Simmons

Scott Simmons, based in Florida, is a lover of nature, landscape, and wildlife photography. Scott became interested in photography in 2001 when he was given his first SLR camera. When he acquired a telephoto lens, he became progressively more interested in birds and other wildlife. Scott enjoys learning about bird habitats and behavior, striving always to take images that are both beautiful and interpretive. Scott believes photography is a great vehicle to help others to appreciate the wonder for the stuff of earth.

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