Great fun down the beach

Great fun down the beach

The last few weeks have been amazing down at N. Beach as can be seen in my previous posts. It is like going back in time to the mid 80’s when I’ve just started birding and Eilat north beach was teaming with great birds. Bridled Ternswhich have shown a great influx this summer and daily groups of up to 15 birds seen very close to N Beach (this morning while enjoying with my kids at the Coral reserve had a group of 11 flying very close).

Bridled+Tern+ Shimon+Shif

But no lessinteresting:White-cheeked Ternshave become the most common species over the last 2 weeks with groups of up to 35 individuals regularly seen.

White cheeked+Tern flight

Cory’s Shearwatershave also been regularly seen (up to 5 individuals together) and the odd Arctic Skua, Lesser were all spotted regularly.

Cory+Shearwater Shachar+Shalev

We’ve had a great time so far with no less than 7 Tern speciesoccurringregularly (4 species in this photo).

4+Tern+spc Red+Sea

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Itai Shanni

Itai Shanni

Itai Shanni is the coordinator of the Eilat Birding Blog, which is jointly written by the Israeli Ornithological Centre (IOC) and the International Birding and Research Centre Eilat (IBRCE). Itai is working to promote bird and wildlife conservation throughout this area. As an Israeli A licensed ringer, he also gives support for the IBRCE staff when needed. Itai has also developed a real passion for Odonata watching and spends many hot hours chasing also Dragonflies and Damselflies.

Itai Shanni

Itai Shanni

Itai Shanni is the coordinator of the Eilat Birding Blog, which is jointly written by the Israeli Ornithological Centre (IOC) and the International Birding and Research Centre Eilat (IBRCE). Itai is working to promote bird and wildlife conservation throughout this area. As an Israeli A licensed ringer, he also gives support for the IBRCE staff when needed. Itai has also developed a real passion for Odonata watching and spends many hot hours chasing also Dragonflies and Damselflies.

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