In this post I want to present a beautiful new book published recently by my dear friend Thomas Krumenacker. This is not a book review (I write book reviews for Dutch Birding); it is rather a celebration of this wonderful creation by my friend. I am too involved in the book, and too close to […]
Tag: Israël

Eilat Birding
The Basalt Wheatear is still present and while many birders came to search for it. Also to enjoy the many Asian Desert & Spectacled Warblers. It’s been very long since a Kurdish Wheatear was seen around the Southern Arava.

Eilat Birding
Here you will find the most updated records of the area which I would try and upload as frequently as possible.

It only gets better
As the season progress more and more migrants are found on a daily basis. In fact it is so hectic that I cant find the time to sit and write all the updates, so below is a very quick review of what was seen in the past 10 days: On 13th while guiding a happy […]

Israel leads the way using Barn Owls and Kestrels to replace Rodenticides
In 2013 a male Barn Owl, with two females and 17 nestlings that fledged, out of the 20 eggs that were laid in an abandoned waterhole on the Judean Plain. As far as we know, this is the first documented case in Israel and perhaps in the world. The breeding cycle and the photographs were […]

Migration on high gear
Back from Spain and it seems that migration down the southern Arava and around Eilat are on high speedalready. I had great time on the Iberian peninsula with many interesting and enigmatic species and un-president numbers of Vultures and great company of people, but as always it is great to be back in my local […]

Let the games begin once again
After long idle due to being too occupied in moving into our new house at last, yesterday I went back to the field, joined by Shachar with his powerful Nikon (thus I didn’t really bother photographing…)We had a great day with many birds and goodevidenceof migration throughout. Starting at K20 we found the ponds loading […]

Signs of hope
The current monitoring work which was designed, is aiming to give some more specific insight about migration along the Arava but also to check target breeding species. Over the last 10 years numbers of Arabian Warblers have dropped dramatically in the Arava and in fact in the last breeding season, I could not locate even […]