Yesterday I went to Jetty Park to find a Brown Booby that has been seen there. Without a scope I was only able to get tiny photos of the bird, with only enough pixels to identify it. But there were a few Northern Gannets hunting relatively close to the fishing pier. These birds are wonderfully fun to watch, especially as they dive for fish.

Northern Gannet

Northern Gannet
The Brown Booby was a lifer for me, so even though the bird was far beyond the distance that my camera/lens could produce ausable image, I thought I’d share a couple. These photos show the blueish-gray bill with pale yellowish legs and no visible white on the upper-tail coverts. I so wish I’d brought my doubler and tripod.

Brown Booby

Brown Booby

Scott Simmons
Scott Simmons, based in Florida, is a lover of nature, landscape, and wildlife photography. Scott became interested in photography in 2001 when he was given his first SLR camera. When he acquired a telephoto lens, he became progressively more interested in birds and other wildlife. Scott enjoys learning about bird habitats and behavior, striving always to take images that are both beautiful and interpretive. Scott believes photography is a great vehicle to help others to appreciate the wonder for the stuff of earth.
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