Shocking footage has surfaced showing a man lifting a swan from the water and raising it over his head in a disturbing Australia Day act in Western Australia. The video, shared on social media, showed the man diving into the Mandurah Estuary from a boat, before he grabbed the black swan by the legs. The […]

In the most untouched, pristine parts of the Amazon, birds are dying. Scientists may finally know why
Something was happening to the birds at Tiputini. The biodiversity research centre, buried deep in the Ecuadorian Amazon, has always been special. It is astonishingly remote: a tiny scattering of research cabins in 1.7m hectares (4.2m acres) of virgin forest. For scientists, it comes about as close as you can to observing rainforest wildlife in […]

Petition: Five Belugas Lost Their Lives at Marineland in 2024. Stop this NOW!
Marineland, a Canadian aquarium located in Niagara Falls, has become synonymous with animal neglect and heartbreaking losses. In the past year alone, five belugas under their care have died. Tragically, Kiska, known as “the world’s loneliest orca,” was the last of her kind at the park and passed away in 2023. With over 20 whale […]

How to Wage War on Poaching, According to a Former South African General
For years, South Africa’s wildlife has been under attack. Some of the country’s most iconic species, including rhinos, elephants, and lions, are being systematically slaughtered by poachers, who are funded and supported by criminal gangs. These animals are killed for their parts — their horns and tusks and claws and bones — which are then […]

Over 1,100 dead olive ridley turtles wash ashore in southern India
More than 1,100 dead olive ridley turtles have washed ashore on the beaches of Tamil Nadu state in southern India this month. Most were found near the state capital, Chennai. “I never heard [of] such large numbers of turtles stranded at any beaches of Tamil Nadu at least in the last three decades,” K. Sivakumar, […]

Cockatiel Lets Rescuer Pet Him Before Passing Away
Rescuing animals often comes with its own set of challenges, and Emily’s experience with her Cockatiel, Nippy, was no exception. Known for being standoffish, the 35-year-old bird had rarely shown affection in his long life. But in a poignant turn of events, Nippy allowed Emily to pet him for the first time—just before he passed […]

Wyoming lawmakers tell locals outraged by wolf torture that it’s fine to ‘mash’ the animals to death with snowmobile
Locals are furious with Wyoming legislators after they refused to outright ban people from purposely running over wildlife with snowmobiles and other vehicles. State politicians are attempting to respond to global outrage over photos that emerged last year of a Wyoming man torturing a wolf after he hit it with his snowmobile. In February 2024, […]

The secret lives of Florida’s crocodiles: study reveals long-distance commutes
New research has revealed surprising details about the secret lives of crocodiles swimming through Florida‘s waterways, including the long distances some travel in search of food and shelter, and their ability to slither unnoticed through populous neighborhoods. The preliminary study provides rare insight into the habits and habitat of the species in a state more […]