Black Kites of Kuwait

Black Kites of Kuwait

We have had some discussions about the possibility of Black-eared Kite in Kuwait, especially the wintering birds. We do understand that there is still much discussion and research going on with this taxa and of course there is the possibility of hybrids. I found an interesting article on Identification of Black-eared Kites by Dick Forsman […]

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New Bush Frog species discovered from Western Ghats of India

New Bush Frog species discovered from Western Ghats of India

Researchers have described a new species of shrub frog Raorchestes ghatei from the Western Ghats of Maharashtra, in India. According to them, the species differs from its close relatives based on a combination of characters including small to medium-sized adult males, snout slightly projecting beyondmouth ventrally, tongue without papilla but with a lingual pit, nuptial […]

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