The Bluethroat

The Bluethroat

Luscinia svecica – Passeriformes – Muscicapidae – not an easy bird to see nor photograph. These pictures were taken in Spain in the region of Lerida. These lovely birds remain there year round where in France they nest only along the Atlantic coast.Here is a young male presenting a white spot in its blue “bib”. […]

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Worm-eating Warbler at Central Winds Park

Worm-eating Warbler at Central Winds Park

I had a great morning at Central Winds; I saw 15 warblers, my highest total of the Fall so far. The biggest highlight for me was my first Magnolia Warbler of the year. Here’s my list: Ovenbird, Worm-eating Warbler, Northern, Waterthrush, Black-and-white Warbler, Prothonotary Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, Northern Parula, Magnolia Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, […]

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Macro in kou

Macro in kou

Vanmorgen samen met Hans Drijer de kou en nattigheid getrotseerd van de EngbertsDijksvenen. We zouden een ochtendje macro werk gaan doen. Dus driftig op zoek naar onderwerpen. Gelukkig waren die nog wel voor handen. We waren gelukkig ook zodanig vroeg dat we de zonsopkomst mee gemaakt hebben. En deze twee gecombineerd leverde m.i. fraaie beelden […]

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