Last Friday, I went to “the edge of the world”. This is the name given to the Tuwaiq Escarpment and the land directly below it, west of Riyadh. Its quite popular for day tripping locals and expats who drive out on the Mecca road westward. They indulge in walks and many other outdoor activities such […]
Common Buzzard
Buteo buteo – Accipitridae – Accipitriformes – Buse variable I am wondering if the underparts’ white patches remain the same after each moult or does the pattern change somewhat? I have realised that the converter slows down somewhat the focusing speed, but I am quite happy to have succeed to achieve a decent pic here:
Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
We had a very confiding Golden Eagle yesterday afternoon close to Tahivilla. The bird circled over our heads when we stopped the car and watched it, obviously curious at what we were doing. After a few circles it headed towards the Sierra de La Plata and The Strait. The moult on the eagle was fairly […]
Out of the Blue…
The Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) is the most widely distributed animal on the planet, inhabiting most all of the earth’s oceans and seas except for the extreme polar regions. Because of their widespread distribution, they also have the dubious distinction of being the most widely captured shark, and between 20 – 30 million are captured […]
Indigo-banded Kingfisher
The Indigo-banded Kingfisher is a resident bird at Villa Escudero, a popular resort in Tiaong, Quezon, Philippines. People would have lunch at the base of a waterfall and the water leads to a river where a forest canopy would cover both sides of the river. The Indigo-banded Kingfisher would hunt for fish, crab, and lizards […]
Long winter’s nap
Grab forty winks. Saw logs. For a species that’s habitually short on shut-eye, we humans sure have come up with myriad ways to talk about it. We also spend a lot of time and money studying sleep, or the lack thereof. Yet, in spite of decades of inquiry, researchers still don’t have a good fix […]
Picaflor vientre negro (Black-throated mango)
Estas son algunas fotos de la sesión fotográfica que le hice al Picaflor vientre negro el 27 de Diciembre en el patio de casa, siesta nublada fresca y con un poco de llovizna que hizo desaparecer a las abejas y por suerte tuve mucha actividad de picaflores durante toda la tarde. Algunas gotas de agua […]
The Mountain Apollo
Parnassius apollo pyrenaicus – Papilionidae – Parnassius The Apollo‘s mating plug or Sphragis is visible on the photo below: It is particular to the females of this lepidoptera family.It is deposited by a male into the female genital tract and later hardens into a plug assuring the male that only his sperm cells will fertilize […]