Mientras viajábamos a Formosa le decía a Willy en el auto… “No podemos volver sin fotos del Chororó”, por suerte pudimos verlo los dos días y en distintos lugares y para que la felicidad sea completa inclusive me traje muy buenas fotografías de esta nueva especie para nosotros que hoy la presento en el blog. […]
White-naped Cranes at Dawn
One of the most spectacular birding sights in Japan in winter is to witness the thousands of Hooded and White-naped Cranes flying over the fields at Arasaki, Izumi city, Kagoshima prefecture. Here a small flock, probably family unit, of White-naped Crane created a memorable full-frame composition with the rising sun, low mountains and whisp of […]
The new “blue lagoons”
In the late 1990s Tom Tarrant was birding the Riyadh area and he kept good records which I often compare against today’s findings. He has written about “the blue lagoons”. This was part of the Riyadh river where the habitat is more open than the area around the pivot fields where I normally bird. He […]
Canon EOS 7D: ISO Performance
Canon EOS 7D with EF 400mm f/5.6L (ISO 250 | f5/6 | 1/500sec) Lightroom Adjustments: Vibrance+62 Sharpening:+25 |LuminanceNoise Reduction:+10 I acquired a Canon EOS 7D in September, and now that I’ve been using it extensively for a few months I thought it would be good to write reviews of its various features. This camera has […]
Want to Join our “Multi-author Wildlife Blog”?
Do you have an interesting wildlife story to share, images or videoclips you’d like to post on-line? If the answer is “YES” then we invite you to join our “Multi-Author Wildlife Blog”. Write and publish articles in your own language – although our principle language is English, we welcome original articles in German, French, Spanish, […]
Ponce Inlet, 12/20/2012
I went to Lighthouse Point Park at Ponce Inlet. I was hoping to find one of the Razorbills that had been seen there recently, but no luck for me today. It was still a pretty good morning, though. Lots of gulls and terns were there: Sandwich, Royal and Forster’s Terns, plus Ring-billed, Laughing, Herring, Great […]
Black Redstart female
Phoenicurus ochruros – Passeriformes – Muscicapidae She swallowed this larva as is, no frying like it’s done in Africa with the Mopani worms, served in some restaurants… I haven’t tried them, although my son has assured me the “delicacy” is a real treat! LOL! Hey, if you consider that “froggies” eat snails… Rouge-Queue femelle Avalée […]