We are pleased to announce the winners of our most recent “Best Photo of the Week” Competition.Walter Baliero wins First Prize for his outstanding photo “Andean hummingbird”. Dana Allen wins Second Prize with “Masai giraffe” and Glenn Bartley wins Third Prize with “Plush-crested Jay”. See images below with links to the original articles. The voting […]
The Marsh tit
Marsh tit (Poecile palustris)- The sun is on and off, but here are a couple of pictures of this fast moving little tit. I used to have very few the past years in my garden, but this time round there are 5 or 6 a least – 300 mm + convert. 1/4 It stayed a […]
Curutié blanco (Stripe-crowned Spinetail)
Hoy comienzo a presentarles las nuevas especies de aves que hemos podido registrar en la Provincia de Formosa, comienzo con el Curutié blanco el cual nos costó bastante obtener estas dos imágenes que van a ilustrar esta entrada. Habíamos encontrado un claro en el medio de un montecito en la Estancia Ñu Porá durante la […]
The White Stork
Two birds are perched on a dead tree while 5 others are grazing in the middle of a field close by. The light is not good, and the clouds are quickly thickening… A few couples have been nesting and hibernating in the area for a couple of years now, much to the delight of everyone […]
Lake Lotus Park, 12/11/2012
It was slow at Lake Lotus this morning. I first drove by an orange grove nearby to see what I could find–the most interesting find was a small flock of House Finches. Then I went to Lake Lotus and walked the boardwalk. The most interesting bird I found there was a Swamp Sparrow, but my […]
The Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
The Eurasian Jay is a common bird in the UK and a common, colourful member of the Crow family. They are an intelligent, resourceful, bird that will eat a variety of food including nuts, seeds and even other birds and small mammals whenever they get the opportunity. They are well known to cache away food […]
Bolivia Trip Report Part II
Bolivia is an extremely diverse country when it comes to birds. In fact, some say that if it wasn’t land-locked it would have more species than any other country. Endemism is not especially high but there are some stunners to search for such as the Red-fronted Macaw and Black-hooded Sunbeam. The country lacks a field […]
Nuthatch – Sitta europaea
Nuthatches are an interesting little bird that will commonly come to feeders especially at this time of the year. I have a permanent hide and a feeding station next to a wood here in Exeter, Devon, UK. Nuthatches are one of the most common visitors at the feeders. At the feeders they can be aggressive […]