Mosqueta ojo dorado (Pearly-Vented Tody-Tyrant)

Mosqueta ojo dorado (Pearly-Vented Tody-Tyrant)

Como me gusta la Mosqueta ojo dorado, el color de su ojo es la característica distintiva de este diminuto tiránido que habita el estrato bajo de bosques y sabanas de tipo chaqueño del Norte y Noreste Argentino. En esta oportunidad pudimos acercarnos bastante a ella ya que estaba acicalándose en un pequeño montecito de la Estancia Ñu Porá en Misión Laishí Formosa.

SMA 3379blog
Mosqueta ojo dorado (Pearly-Vented Tody-Tyrant)

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Marcelo Allende

Dedicated to bird photography as a hobby since 2010. In my blog I show some of the wealth of the country's most important area for bird watching in Argentina, only in my province there are 600 species of birds.


Marcelo Allende

Dedicated to bird photography as a hobby since 2010. In my blog I show some of the wealth of the country's most important area for bird watching in Argentina, only in my province there are 600 species of birds.

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