Stephen was at Madrid’s Barajas airport and was all ready and waiting with the minibus parked closely for a quick getaway when the group arrived from London. Travelling through the city and out onto the main road to Badajoz was really quiet…once we cleared Madrid! Birds were seen right from the start with Common Magpies, […]
Japanese Raccoon Dog | Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus
This morning I was quite fortunate to encounter a Japanese Raccoon Dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus) at the pond at Oe reclaimed land area. These creatures are normally nocturnal (or at least, crepuscular), so to see one foraging in mid-morning is very rare. It was in the right place, however, as there is a wide range […]
Mosqueta ojo dorado (Pearly-Vented Tody-Tyrant)
Como me gusta la Mosqueta ojo dorado, el color de su ojo es la característica distintiva de este diminuto tiránido que habita el estrato bajo de bosques y sabanas de tipo chaqueño del Norte y Noreste Argentino. En esta oportunidad pudimos acercarnos bastante a ella ya que estaba acicalándose en un pequeño montecito de la […]
Bolivia Trip Report Part I
Bolivia is an extremely diverse country when it comes to birds. In fact, some say that if it wasn’t land-locked it would have more species than any other country. Endemism is not especially high but there are some stunners to search for such as the Red-fronted Macaw and Black-hooded Sunbeam. The country lacks a field […]
Horseback riding… African style. A group of riders is joined by a Masai giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi) on the open plains beneath Mt. Kilimanjaro. Chyulu Hills, Kenya. With Ride Kenya & Ol Donye Wuas Lodge Nikon D300s. Nikon 18-200mm. ISO 200. f 5.6 @ 1/1250 sec. Lexar Media.
Tuquito gris (Crowned-slaty Flycatcher)
Comencé el presente año fotografiando por primera vez a esta especie en la Localidad Correntina de Paso de la Patria y en este viaje a Formosa volví a fotografiar al Tuquito gris. A este en particular lo seguimos un buen rato con Willy y me di el lujo hasta de elegir el posadero para sacar […]
Thought There Was A Prize In Here!
As wildlife photographers, we all strive to capture that perfect moment. Sometimes, the moment is dramatic, sometimes the moment is awe inspiring, sometimes the moment is scary and sometimes the moment is just plain funny. At this time of year when we all have so much going on, I know that things can get a […]
Bringing Up the Rear…
A large buffalo bull stands ready to defend the herd against a pride of lions approaching from the back – Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. Nikon D300. Nikon 200-400 mm. ISO 800. f 4 @ 1/1500 sec. Lexar Media.