Further to my last post on colour morph, sub-species or hybrid there are certain questions for field birders that are very difficult if not impossible to answer when dealing with sub-species. I encountered one of these problems whilst birding at Sabkhat Al Fasl (Jubail), Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia earlier in the year (March). Here […]
Blue -river- Jewel of the South
When I was coming to this side of the world, I was looking at the book in the plane and right away got amazed with the colors and crazy looks of the kingfishers. When I saw the first one (Black-capped, in Indonesia) I fell in love!… Our KF in the American Continent are beautiful and […]
Florida Scrub-jay: Great recession beneficiary!
The Florida Srub-jay is a federally “threatened” species endemic to, and found only, in peninsular Florida. With their numbers declining 90% over the last centry, there are only approx 3000 familes remaining. “Scrubs” are habitat specialists and thrive in upland scrub oak environments…..most of which have been lost torapid development. Here they feed on a […]
Sometimes I take photos of birds
Apparently I haven’t put any bird photos up here in a while, what’s that all about? Unacceptable! So to alleviate that issue, here’s some Texas birds for you. Hooded Oriole (Icterus cucullatus) who sat still for about 5 minutes and a Bewick’s Wren (Thryomanes bewickii) sitting in perfect evening light. Thanks, guys. Ash-throated Flycatcher (Myiarchus […]
Black-crowned Night Heron Lift Off
This is another image that reminds me of the day I photographed it and the great memories of that photo session. Ron and I sat with this Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) for several minutes on the auto tour loop of Bear River National Wildlife Refuge in Box Elder County, Utah. My Nikon D300 is […]
House Sparrows, Passer domesticus
Summer is still a month away but the baby house sparrows in Brooklyn, New York, are already adult-sized. This mother and youngster were having a snack of found bread crumbs on May 20, 2012. Visit my blog, the Urban Wildlife Guide. Read more about house sparrows and other urban birds in my book, Field Guide […]
AFRICAN TUESDAY: New GooglePlus Theme
Hi folks. So, I was one of the first South African photographers to sign up for Google+ in the days when it was still in Beta mode. I have to admit I didn’t do much on that network for a while…though I did make a post here and there it took me a while to […]
Emperor of the Glade
Searching out rumors of light, a Night Heron slips past evening’s commotion, ignoring the hot and confused air, emperor of the glade. • Yellow-crowned Night Heron | Nyctanassa violacea