I have a fondness for Marbled Gowdwits (Limosa fedoa) because of theirpink and black bills and plumage patterns. They also look very elegant walking, standing, feeding and in flight. This Marbled Godwit had been feeding on the mudflats of a tidal lagoon at Fort De Soto’s north beach, I like that I was able to […]
Author: Mia McPherson

Exhausted but Elated
With the exception of some intermittent clouds and infrequent light rain in the mornings and afternoons, thelight was wonderful and the weather hot during the middle of the day. The winds came up around noon each day but I’m not usually out photographing in the harsher light of mid day. There must have been a […]

A pair of Red-tailed Hawks in early morning light
Having one Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) in my viewfinder is a joy and getting two of them in the same frame is even more of a delight. On the morning of the last day of my recent trip to southwestern Montana we found this pair of adult Red-tailed Hawks perched on the sun-bleached branches of […]

Reddish Egret
I photographed this Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens)in October of 2008 at Fort De Soto’s north beach. At that timeI was sitting in the water taking images of Great Egrets and some Laughing Gulls when the egret flew in and began fishing in the warm, shallow lagoon. It didn’t take the bird long to catch this […]

Pied-billed Grebe ~ This Bird is a Tease
This Pied-billed Grebe; photographed at Farmington Bay Wildlife Management Area in northern Utah, is a tease. Really, it is. Look at those raised wings, how long they look compared to the stout body of the Pied-billed Grebe (Podilymbus podiceps), how strong they appear. How those wings make me wonder what this grebe would look like […]

Lincoln’s Sparrow
Sparrows seem to be overlooked often as subjects, I’ve heard people call them Little Brown Birds (LBB) or Little Brown Jobs (LBJ). I try to photograph them whenever I can get close though. This Lincoln’s Sparrow (Melospiza lincolnii) was photographed last month at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, the spring green leaves in the […]

Willet in the surf of the Gulf of Mexico
Getting “Down & Dirty” pays off when photographing shorebirds like this Willet I photographed in Florida as it walked along the shoreline of the Gulf of Mexico. The Willet (Tringa semipalmata) was very comfortable with my presence as I laid flat in the wetsand to photograph itgiving me an eye level view of this beautiful […]

Tundra Swans in Flight
Tundra Swans (Cygnus columbianus)by the thousands overwinter in the Great Salt Lake area, it is not uncommon to see huge flocks of themat Farmington Bay Wildlife Management Area in northern Utah. Tundra Swans used to be known as “Whistling Swans” because of the sound their wings make in flight and when hundreds or thousands of […]