Part 1/10 of my very action packed 6 weeks of traveling around British Columbia in search of birds. In mid-May I set off for my annual road trip. This year I wanted to focus on the interior of British Columbia and some of the fantastic species that breed here. I spent 20 days camping out […]

Tracking Kalahari Lions
I thought it was time for another “proper” blog post, don’t you think? So much has been going on in the hustle and bustle of my life that I have again started neglecting my blog – tsk tsk tsk. Things have been hectic busy on this side. Did I mention we are expecting our 2nd […]

Ugly? Only the plight.
Vulture. What is your initial reaction when you hear that word? Only a face a mother could love? I guess they aren’t the most attractive birds to most, but to me they’re something else. They’re intelligent, charismatic and have some of the most intriguing, if unpleasant adaptations. Whether it be Old World or New World […]

Old-School Magic
Stranded in a wiry riddle, a Black Swallowtail butterfly caterpillar finds old-school magic in a labyrinth of fennel.Black Swallowtail butterfly | Papilio polyxenes

Road to nowhere – John Miles
In 2007 at a Hen Harrier meeting set up by the Duke of Westminster, the duke told Ian Grindy, BowlandEstate Manager, United Utilities, that the water authority’s Bowland estate was the worst managed estate in northern England. Game keepers were needed to manage the land the duke suggested. Ian replied with the fact that if […]

Vancouver Island Trip Report – March 2012
During the past few weeks I have been leading my annual Vancouver Island Photo Workshops. Both groups of 4 participants were blessed with some very cooperative weather, plentiful avian subjects and great shooting companions. We had a great time! Some of the most memorable encounters and best photo opportunities included: American Dipper: These guys are […]

Birds of Ecuador in the Lowlands
Part 07/8 of Glenn Bartley’s month-long trip around Ecuador. After 4 spectacular days on the East Slope we traveled back to Quito for the night. The following day those of us who continued on the trip extension took a short 30 minute flight into theEcuadorianlowlands and prepared to travel into the Amazon Rainforest. We then […]

Leaping Into Spring
A late-feeding cardinal leaps into spring, leaving an after-image behind, along with his shadow. Northern Cardinal | Cardinalis cardinalis