This past weekend I was at the Viera Wetlands, located in Viera, Florida. It is one of my favorites places to photograph. This time of year the activity really gets going and it did not disappoint! The ducks haved started to arrive, as in hooded mergansers, blue winged teals and northern shovelers. The crested caracara‘s […]

Finally After All The Hours and Early Mornings!
Yesterday I received some wonderful news!! I placed First in the Baby Animals category, Pro level, of the 2011 National Wildlife Federation Photo Contest, with the image shown. With so many excellent photographers out there, I feel privileged to have been given this award! I am passionate about trying to capture the best in our […]

Not A Bird, But They Do Have Wings
OK, subjects were not in abundance this past weekend at our favorite wetlands, Viera, but we were still able to practice our panning and telephoto lens techniques on the frequently overlooked green darner dragonfly. They are everywhere now, latched together, having sex, or should I say propagating the species. The male must transfer sperm from […]

Labor Day Weekend – Visiting a New Place and the Regulars Return
I spent this weekend going first to a place I had not been before, Jetty Park, which is in Cape Canaveral, FL. It is along the Atlantic coast, just north of Cocoa Beach. The beach is really nice and we were greeted with a lovely sunrise, the first image shown below. There was a fair […]

Even With The Heat, Nature Provides Beauty
Well, for us humans the days of summer, especially in Florida, are a bit unbearable. But for some species, it is their time to mate, build nests, and care for their young. One of these species is the black-bellied whistling duck. My favorite wetland area, the Viera Wetlands, in Viera, FL, is home to many […]