We have two words for you: Elf. Owl. They’re worth a Google, we swear! Elf Owls are incredibly small birds that are positively adorable. As one animal expert recently learned himself. The man showed off the Elf Owl he found in the wild. And we can tell he’s positively smitten.
Mark, who posts with Arizona Animal Experts, made a really exciting announcement: he’d found the “smallest owl in the world.”
@animalexpertsaz What a treat! My first time seeing this rare elf owl in person!😲 #Wildlife #NatureLovers #AnimalVideos #WildlifeConservation #WildlifePhotography #FYP ♬ original sound – Animal Experts
The Elf Owl was so small Mark was able to hold the owl with one hand. He’s so small he doesn’t seem real. He looks like the most precious owl statue, one that is super rare.
It’s almost like Mark couldn’t believe he’d found the owl. Thankfully, these little guys are pretty docile. “They’re not threatening or aggressive like some of your bigger owls,” he explained in the clip.
He explained that one reason why Elf Owls are so rare is that they’re pretty isolated and need to hide from predators. It just makes the find all the sweeter.
“What a treat! My first time seeing this rare Elf Owl in person!” he wrote in the video’s caption.
We’re not sure how many people in the comments section knew about Elf Owls before the video, but they’re certainly fans now. “He’s just patiently listening,” joked one person. “He’s like ‘I absolutely AM threatening. Tell them,'” someone else teased. While a third commenter really wanted an Elf Owl of their own. “Hand over the owl and nobody gets hurt,” they commented. “He keeps looking at you like ‘Are you done yet?’ He’s adorable!! I bet that was awesome for you to be able to catch one!!” one commenter praised.
How Many Elf Owls Are There Left in the World?
Now that we know about them, we want to see an Elf Owl in real life! So is it possible to see one in the wild? Thankfully, Elf Owls aren’t facing extinction, but their population is decreasing. The main threat to these owls are deforestation and the destruction of the woodpecker holes that Elf Owls live in. Elf Owls do have predators that hunt them, like jays, hawks, and other owls.
Thankfully, there are still many of these little guys around. About 200,000 according to scientists. There are some Elf Owls who do live in zoos or other animal sanctuaries. So it’s possible that you could see one! Just keep in mind that if you find an Elf Owl in the wild, leave it alone. It’s best not to interfere with them. After all, these little guys need plenty of time to practice their “tough face.”
This article by Genny Glassman was first published by AOL on 27 November 2024. Lead Image: CC mlorenz/Shutterstock.
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