A new study has concluded that the decline in Grauer’s gorillas in a sector of their main stronghold in the Democratic Republic of Congo was the result of the impacts of armed conflict, rather than the presence or absence of Indigenous communities. With the end of the Second Congo War in 2003, gorilla populations in […]
Tag: deforestation
Rare Video of ‘Smallest Owl in the World’ Has People Completely Obsessed
We have two words for you: Elf. Owl. They’re worth a Google, we swear! Elf Owls are incredibly small birds that are positively adorable. As one animal expert recently learned himself. The man showed off the Elf Owl he found in the wild. And we can tell he’s positively smitten. Mark, who posts with Arizona […]

A Nigerian reserve, once a stronghold for chimps, is steadily losing its forest to farming
Oluwa Forest Reserve, located in southwestern Nigeria, contains some of the last large swaths of old growth — also called “primary” — forest in the region. These forests are home to a rich diversity of wildlife, including endangered species and subspecies such as red-capped mangabeys (Cercocebus torquatus), Nigerian white-throated guenons (Cercopithecus erythrogaster pococki), white-bellied pangolins […]

Hedgehogs ‘near threatened’ on red list after 30% decline over past decade
Hedgehogs are now listed as “near threatened” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s red list after a decline in numbers of at least 30% over the past decade across much of their range. While hedgehogs were once common across Europe, and were until now listed as of “least concern” on the red list, […]

A Community’s Bond with India’s Endangered Hoolock Gibbons
In the village of Barekuri, Assam, Mohit Chutia and his community share a unique connection with the endangered hoolock gibbons, the only ape species in India. Chutia, often called “bandar” (monkey) by locals, has formed a deep bond with the gibbons, treating them like family. The village is home to just 19 of these apes, […]

Jaguars Bid for Survival in Brazil’s Wetlands
As fires rage across the Pantanal in central-western Brazil, the world’s largest tropical wetland, jaguars are showcasing a remarkable ability to adapt to the intensifying threats of their environment. While countless species suffer from the impacts of these fires, jaguars survive by using riverside refuges and sustaining themselves on prey like caimans and capybaras, which […]

Cambodia’s once-massive national park continues to lose its forest
One of Cambodia’s largest protected areas, Botum Sakor National Park, continues to lose tree cover, recent satellite data show. Officially designated as a national park in 1993, Botum Sakor initially covered more than 182,000 hectares (450,000 acres) of evergreen, semi-evergreen and mangrove forests. Older surveys from the 1990s and 2000s show that the park was […]

‘We Are Reaching Points of No Return’: WWF Report Finds Wildlife Has Declined 73% in Half a Century
According to the Living Planet 2024 report — compiled by WWF and the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) — Earth’s wildlife populations have plummeted by 73 percent on average in half a century. The highest declines — 95 percent — were seen in the Caribbean and Latin America, the report said. A 76 percent decline […]