Spoonbills at Cley

Spoonbills at Cley

We headed to Cley this morning quickly ticking the five Temminck’s Stints before moving on to the Eastbank where we found another year tick with nine Little Terns sitting on Arnold’s Marsh.

A Little Stint was reported but we failed to find it. Back in the car and we noticed four Spoonbill flying over Walsey Hills and watched as they doubled back to drop in front of the new Babcock hide.

We parked up and enjoyed good views of the four birds feeding which was a real pleasure as most encounters with Spoonbill tend to be hours of the birds resting with heads tucked away out of site.

Flying over Walsey Hills
Mipit at Salthouse

A quick drive along the Beach Road at Salthouse gave an opportunity to grab a few images of a Meadow Pipit before we headed home stopping on route to watch the American F16 fighting falcons putting on a show at Lakenheath as they came in the land.


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Brian Anderson

Brian Anderson

Essex Birder using the blog as a diary of my trips around the country chasing birds. Enjoying the places it takes me and the people I meet along the way. Great to spend time with my Dad and brother as we chase our year lists and grow our life list in the process.

Brian Anderson

Brian Anderson

Essex Birder using the blog as a diary of my trips around the country chasing birds. Enjoying the places it takes me and the people I meet along the way. Great to spend time with my Dad and brother as we chase our year lists and grow our life list in the process.

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