For the second year in a row, Massachusetts beaches have recorded more nesting Piping Plovers than anytime in the last four decades — 1,196 nesting pairs, a 1.5 percent increase over 2023 and a 500 percent jump since the program began, according to preliminary data gathered by MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program and […]
Tag: American Oystercatcher
Tropical Storm Hermine At Bunche Beach: Pt. II
With less than favorable conditions for photography of the wildlife at Bunche Beach, it seemed obvious that the birds were not airborne unless disturbed. I opted to remain at one observation point about a quarter mile east of the parking area where a good sized flock of shorebirds were actively feeding. The mangrove trees offered […]
Early At The Shore With Oystercatchers
I made a stop down at the shoreline early in the morning. I was trying to catch low tide hoping to find shorebirds. The only shorebirds I came across were American Oystercatchers. They had no problem finding plenty to eat. The oystercatchers were boisterous making lots of noise communicating with each other. I also saw […]
Little Estero Lagoon Spring Nesting
For good reason Little Estero Lagoon comes in a close second as a favorite Southwest Florida wildlife venue behind Bunche Beach Preserve. The birds were very accommodating as I continued my walk south toward Carlos Point and back. The Black Scoter was an especially nice find with their behavior “ridiculously tame” as world wildlife photographer […]
Pictures Don’t Always Tell The Whole Story
It’s hard for me to remember what it was like to go birding without bringing my camera along. I like having a visual record of what I see but there is a lot that happens when I’m birding that I never capture on film. For example, seconds after I saw this American Oystercatcher a jolly […]
Ostrero austral (Magellanic Oystercatcher) Haematopus leucopodus
Los ostreros son aves de pico largo, fuerte y aplanado el cual les permite sacar a los moluscos de sus valvas. Frecuentan costas marinas, riberas de arroyos, ríos, lagunas y zonas húmedas en estepas. Son aves que se alimentan de moluscos, crustáceos y larvas.Durante su viaje a la Patagonia Argentina en el mes de Junio […]
American Oystercatcher at Fort De Soto
The first time I saw one of these birds I thought I was going a little crazy. I mean, it’s hard to see how there’s a need for a bird to look like this. But I’m really glad they do. I visited Fort De Soto last weekend, and you’re almost guaranteed to see them at […]
Reddish Egret at Fort De Soto
Last week my wife decided it might be fun to go to the beach on the Gulf coast (calmer waves), and she asked me if there was a good place there go visit. Fort De Soto, of course! So yesterday we spent the day there. My father and I got there early to do some […]