Whilst searching for scorpions we found a very small Black-sting Scorpion or possibly a Deathstalker in the ultraviolet torchlight. When we got closer a spider was in attendance and it became clear the scorpion was entangled in the spider’s web and was in fact already dead. It appears the spider had killed the scorpion or […]
Tag: arachnid
It’s all arachnid-y in here
I just realized I have a pretty hefty backlog of photographs from this spring and summer still, which is cool since two of my lenses aren’t really working right now and I’m not sure when I can get them fixed. So today you will have spiders. Snazzy spiders. They’re not gonna hurt you, don’t worry. […]
String Theory
Building the spine of the universe, an orbweaver studies string theory while rounding up wayward stars. • Orchard Orbweaver | Leucauge venusta
Darker than Dusk
In a tangled landscape of misadventures, I’m blinded by arachnid beauty, her silken purpose darker than dusk. • Spider
A Living Landscape
The smallest spider wakes before dawn, a living landscape points to a history that might have been.