Lake Apopka has been spectacular over the last month or so. For starters, a month ago, a Brown Booby was blown inland by a storm, found Lake Apopka, and now apparently doesn’t want to leave. It’s been living on the lake for the last month, usually too far away to see with binoculars. However, today […]
Tag: Black-bellied Whistling Duck

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
There’s a little lake (or large pond) near my house. It’s just a little community pond, but during the winter time, there can be as many as 100 Black-bellied Whistling Ducks there. They are also very tolerant of people. They like to hang out on a little hill, and there’s a fence which is perfect […]

Marl Bed Flats, 11/30/2013
This morning I went to Marl Bed Flats with my father and a friend of mine. We had a pretty great time. We saw all the usual suspects: Sedge Wrens, Eastern Meadowlarks, Northern Harrier, Yellowlegs, Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, and Sora. The biggest highlight for me was seeing a Merlin in the distance–the first I’ve seen […]

Sirirí vientre negro (Black-bellied Whistling-duck)
Hoy si puedo decir que tengo fotos del Sirirí vientre negro, si las comparo con la única foto que publiqué en el blog allá por el mes de Julio del 2011 cuando volvimos de nuestro viaje a la Colonia Carlos Pellegrini. En aquella voto se alcanzan a ver 14 aves volando juntas y en las […]

The Black-bellied Whistling Duck
If you live in Florida, you have just about year around photo ops with the black-bellied whistling duck. In the USA, it can be found also in parts of southeast Texas, seasonally in southeast Arizona and Louisiana’s Gulf Coast. Florida is one of the rare places, in the USA, that it breeds, otherwise in tropical […]

The Jewel Of Florida
We are very fortunate in Floridato have many places where the beauty of nature all seem to come together.The Ritch Grissom Memorial Wetlands at Viera, though, or The Viera Wetlands, as the locals call it,is my favorite, and the favorite of many nature photographers. It is a water reclamation area with wonderful surrounds and attracts […]

Warbling Vireo – singing from the nest (plus a bonus duck)
On a tip from a friend, I headed to a Boomer Lake Park here in Stillwater, OK yesterday morning to confirm the appearance of a rare duck. I found the Black-bellied Whistling Duck quite easily! Although Stillwater is a few hundred miles north of where this species is distributed according to range maps in most […]

Even With The Heat, Nature Provides Beauty
Well, for us humans the days of summer, especially in Florida, are a bit unbearable. But for some species, it is their time to mate, build nests, and care for their young. One of these species is the black-bellied whistling duck. My favorite wetland area, the Viera Wetlands, in Viera, FL, is home to many […]