I love birds, and bird watching. As I watch the birds, I can tune out all the city noise as I sit quietly in a green space, slowing my breathing so as not to disturb the birds. Would they even hear my breathing? Probably not! I try to relax, and let nature envelop me…. It […]
Tag: Black-necked Stilt

Tero real (Black-necked Stilt ) Himantopus mexicanus
En esta entrada comparto estas fotografías de teros reales que pudimos fotografiar con Willy el fin de semana del 5 al 7 de mayo en la Isla Apipé Grande, Provincia de Corrientes. El mes de Abril fue muy lluvioso por esta parte del país y por tal motivo la gran cantidad de agua que cayó […]

Early Migration At The Everglades Ag Area
A spectacular destination for the observation of migrating shorebirds is within the Everglades Agricultural Area adjacent to Belle Glade, Florida. The Everglades agricultural fields encompass about 700,000 acres which are predominately planted with sugarcane. Preceding crop rotation the fields are flooded to control pests, with rice typically grown offering a conditioning of the soil as […]

Florida June Flashbacks: 2011- 2015
With plenty of indoor time available due to Tropical Storm Colin and a persistent stormy weather pattern this past week in Southwest Florida, I made flashbacks of June visits to five different wildlife venues going back to 2011. The Ruddy Turnstone above (image 1) was photographed at Little Estero Lagoon in […]

Birding and Photography Ethics
I’ve been an avid photographer for just about all this millennium, but I only became significantly interested in birding and wildlife photography after I received my 400mm lens and moved to Florida. I spent my early months here driving around wildlife loops and photographing whatever birds I saw. Eventually, I wanted to photograph more diversity […]

Black-necked Stilt
Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus) seen in early November at Myakka River State Park, Florida Myakkka River State Park Lots to see on The Great Florida Birding Trail Yes, they are Long -billed Dowitchers (Limnodromus scolopaceus).

Marl Bed Flats, 5/22/2014
Yesterday morning I visited Marl Bed Flats again. I’m pretty amazed at how good this place has been in May. It’s given me several Seminole County firsts, including a Short-billed Dowitcher, Stilt Sandpiper, Semipalmated Sandpiper and now a Semipalmated Plover. Black-necked Stilts are still here, though in much smaller numbers; now only about 4 remain […]

Black Birds at Marl Bed Flats
Not all black birds are blackbirds, and not all blackbirds are black, but they are all birds. This morning at Marl Bed Flats I saw lots of black birds, and some of them were blackbirds. My favorite blackbird, though, was only partly black. Bobolinks are blackbirds, and the males are black, the females aren’t. I […]