Africa’s Great Apes Are Already Feeling the Effects of Climate Change, First-of-Its-Kind Study Finds

Africa’s Great Apes Are Already Feeling the Effects of Climate Change, First-of-Its-Kind Study Finds

African great apes are some of the most iconic creatures on Earth. Humans’ closest living relative, these majestic primates are becoming increasingly impacted by climate change. In the next three decades, African apes will experience more extreme events such as heat waves, wildfires and flooding, according to a new study led by Razak Kiribou, a […]

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Menopause observed in chimpanzees, challenging our understanding of why humans undergo a loss of reproductive function

Menopause observed in chimpanzees, challenging our understanding of why humans undergo a loss of reproductive function

New research challenges the idea that humans are the only species of primate in which females experience the menopause – a loss of ability to bear young that occurs long before the end of their natural lifespan. Until now, menopause had only been observed in humans, orcas and four other species of toothed whale. Previous […]

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Bonobos and Chimps Recognize Faces of Their Friends Even after Many Years of Separation

Bonobos and Chimps Recognize Faces of Their Friends Even after Many Years of Separation

While human social memory lasts decades and tracks relationships, less is known about non-human ape long-term memory. In a new paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists present evidence that our closest living relatives, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus), recognize the faces of familiar conspecifics even after many […]

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