Petition: Lead Epidemiologist Says Coronavirus May be Linked to Breeding of Huge Rats in China Consumed to Detoxify the Body

Petition: Lead Epidemiologist Says Coronavirus May be Linked to Breeding of Huge Rats in China Consumed to Detoxify the Body

China was breeding huge rats to eat before they were banned due to coronavirus. Called “bamboo rats,” the Chinese believe that eating bamboo rat meat makes them prettier and can detoxify their bodies. Until recently, bamboo rats were a celebrated food in China. Farmers had about 25 million of the rats before the government banned […]

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Coronavirus outrage: How traders peddle ‘tiger bone, bear bile and rhino horn’ as cure

Coronavirus outrage: How traders peddle ‘tiger bone, bear bile and rhino horn’ as cure

The coronavirus pandemic has infected more than 2.4 million people worldwide since the first cases were announced in early December. Medical experts across the globe are working tirelessly to develop a vaccine that can halt COVID-19 in its tracks. But in China and other southeast Asian countries there have been reports of countless crooks trying to capitalise on the deadly […]

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