The most extensive global assessment of freshwater animals to date has revealed that a quarter of all freshwater animal species on the IUCN Red List are threatened with extinction. The largest number of these threatened species are found in East Africa’s Lake Victoria, South America’s Lake Titicaca, Sri Lanka‘s Wet Zone, and India’s Western Ghats […]
Tag: dragonflies

4 Things About Red-Eared Slider Turtles You Likely Haven’t Heard Of
There are over two hundred different species of sliders, and most of them reside in the Americas. These turtles are recognizably different from one another, with some having red or orange markings on their shells and heads. In this blog post, we will explore four things you likely haven’t heard of about red-eared sliders. From […]

Marl Bed Flats, 7/26/2017
This morning I decided to head out to Marl Bed Flats to see what birds and bugs I might find. I was pleased to see that the flats aren’t nearly as dry as they were the last time I visited. There was standing water near the slough, and that was encouraging to me. I didn’t […]

Marl Pennant
When it comes to dragonlfies, perhaps the Marl Pennant seems rather plain. However, I think there’s a simple beauty to them that makes it so I very much enjoy finding and photographing them. However, I think the females, being a bit lighter in color, are a little more fun.

Macro in kou
Vanmorgen samen met Hans Drijer de kou en nattigheid getrotseerd van de EngbertsDijksvenen. We zouden een ochtendje macro werk gaan doen. Dus driftig op zoek naar onderwerpen. Gelukkig waren die nog wel voor handen. We waren gelukkig ook zodanig vroeg dat we de zonsopkomst mee gemaakt hebben. En deze twee gecombineerd leverde m.i. fraaie beelden […]

Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge
Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge is only 25 miles from New York City in Vernon, New Jersey. It’s a great place for a day of strolling and wildlife spotting.There are duck blinds,roads and trails, wildflower fields, and boardwalks over marshes. Wood ducks and eastern bluebirds are some of the wildlife rock stars that breed in […]

Ebony Jewelwing
The Ebony Jewelwing (Calopteryx maculata) is doubtless the most easily identified damselfly in the Eastern U.S.. It’s large size (1 3/4 inches) and distinctive black wings make it easy to spot and observe. The abdomen of the male is a brilliant metallic green, but often (as in these photos) appears blue. Females are duller and […]