A Bull Elephant (Loxodonta africana) crosses a shallow channel of the Zambezi River to gain access to the island reeds. With Ruckomechi Camp, Mana Pools Zimbabwe
Tag: Elephant
Under the Winterthorns
If you have been following my work for a while you would know at least two things. 1. I love Mana Pools in Zimbabwe. 2. I love showing the bigger picture in my wildlife photos. Well, I want to show you a photo taken IN Mana Pools showing the BIG picture. It’s an elephant photo, […]
The Bandipur Tales
A big hello to my readers, its been long, really long since I posted here. This post is all about a three day stay followed by a one day round in Bandipur and Kabini respectively. I had the privilege of accompanying and guiding Alex who was visiting India purely for wildlife photography. I wont be […]
Special Print Series – Atmospheric Elephants
I’ve just released a new special print collection on my website. It’s a specific portfolio of black & white photos showcasing elephants under the vast expanse of the African sky. This series can be printed on the finest Hahnemuhle Photo Rag paper or fine art quality canvas, and it will be an exquisite adornment for […]
Elephant in the Mara
Hello everyone. I’ve been a bit flooded of late so blog posts have been sparse. In the beginning of the month, I published a collection of images from my 2014 “photographic year”. Though I always do this and view it as a useful way to assess my growth and artistic voice, I purposefully posted only […]
Shake if Off
All is quiet, except for the sound of doves and guinea fowl in the distance. The sky is bright blue on a winter’s morning. I am sitting in an underground research bunker in Etosha National Park in Namibia. He approaches from the southeast, ambling like they usually do. His footfalls are quiet, eerily quiet, like […]
Madikwe: May 2010 (Part 1)
Hey everyone! I am carrying on my huge backlog of trip reports as and when I find the time to do so – so herewith the start of another belated adventure for you to enjoy. Back in May 2010 my wife and I were fortunate to be invited by my friend Gerry van der Walt […]