Victory! Petitions to Reduce or Remove Protections for Wolves are Denied

Victory! Petitions to Reduce or Remove Protections for Wolves are Denied

Petitions from hunting organizations that aimed to reduce or remove protections for gray wolves in the western Great Lakes and West Coast regions have been rejected by Federal wildlife regulators. Groups such as the Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation and various bear hunting associations submitted their petitions to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in June 2023. […]

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As Wolf Populations Rebound, an Angry Backlash Intensifies

As Wolf Populations Rebound, an Angry Backlash Intensifies

Next month will mark the 30th anniversary of a landmark wildlife experiment: the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park. The gray wolf had been nearly extirpated throughout the northern Rockies and had been federally listed as endangered since 1974. Diane Boyd, a wildlife biologist who had started collaring and tracking wolves that entered northern […]

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Gray wolves spotted in California National Park for first time in 100 years – here’s everything hikers need to know

Gray wolves spotted in California National Park for first time in 100 years – here’s everything hikers need to know

A pack of gray wolves has been sighted within the boundaries of California’s Lassen Volcanic National Park for the first time in nearly 100 years of federal protection. In a Facebook post issued by California Wolf Watch, “wolf coordinator” Axel Hunnicutt of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife confirmed the pack is roaming the […]

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