Bear jams are a growing problem at National Parks – here’s how to watch a grizzly without causing one

Bear jams are a growing problem at National Parks – here’s how to watch a grizzly without causing one

Picture the scene. You’re driving through Lamar Valley in beautiful Yellowstone National Park when suddenly, a dark moving figure off to the side of the road catches your attention. A bear and her cubs! There’s nowhere to pull off, but no way you’re missing out on this wildlife viewing opportunity, plus the two cars ahead […]

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Grizzlies are returning to Washington’s North Cascades. How will that work?

Grizzlies are returning to Washington’s North Cascades. How will that work?

Among the jagged peaks of the North Cascades, lush alpine meadows rich with berries and wildflowers blanket valleys carved by glaciers, some threaded with trickling creeks. But these idyllic landscapes are missing one big thing that had helped sustain them over the millennia: grizzly bears. That will soon change after federal officials decided last month […]

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