Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis) are migrating back northward to their breeding grounds. I photographed this crane and his mate at Modoc National Wildlife Refuge about a month ago and will be writing a post for the Wildlife Conservation Stamp blog soon on that Northern California refuge. Check out my latest West Coast Beat Writer post […]
Tag: Grus canadensis

Sandhill Crane Named Audubon California’s Bird of the Year
Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis)were once common throughout the west and especially in the California Central Valley. However their populations declined drastically as a result of unregulated hunting and habitat loss during settlement of the region. In California, the breeding population was reduced to fewer than five pairs by the 1940s. Fortunately, all populations of Sandhill […]

Dancing Sandhill Cranes Of Bosque del Apache, New Mexico
I recently returned from a photo shoot to Bosque del Apache and was in awe at the abundance of Sandhill Cranes. Having never seen them in Ohio (one of the many species on my state’s endangered list), I was truly amazed by this wading bird’s courtship dance. The Sandhill Crane‘s dance includes jumping up to […]