Petition: Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in New Jersey

Petition: Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in New Jersey

Wildlife killing contests bring people together in the name of death and suffering, and that’s why many states are banning the disgusting tradition altogether.  Source: HSUS/YouTube Oregon, Arizona, California, Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Vermont, and Washington have all banned wildlife killing contests, and now New York. Why? Because they are widely considered as […]

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Results of the Best Photo of the Week Ended 12 Sep 2015

Results of the Best Photo of the Week Ended 12 Sep 2015

We are delighted to announce the results of our latest photo competition. Glenn Perrigo wins First Prize for his brilliant composition “Ruby-throated Hummingbird and Texas Thistle”. Dana Allen wins Second Prize for his outstanding capture “One Small Leap”. Third Place goes to Noushka Wildlife for “Wolf Intimacy”.  See detailed results below: (click on thumbnails for […]

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