I decided to wander around Orlando Wetlands Park this morning and found a wonderful surprise. Two Gull-billed Terns were parked together right next to the main trail. I’ve never been happy with my photos of this species before, and I think today’s photographs were my favorite. Ducks are increasing in numbers with every visit. This […]
Tag: Lesser Scaup

Alaska – 13th June (Day 17)
It was our final mornings birding in Barrow and indeed in Alaska as this was the final day of the trip. We decided to head out to the point to get some final views of Polar Bear. As we drove along the coast road the male Snowy Owl from yesterday was perched close to the […]

Viera Wetlands, 1/18/2014
Yesterday I made it out to Viera Wetlands for a little bit during the afternoon. I much prefer to go in the morning, but even though family commitments kept me home in the morning, afternoon birding proved to be all that I’d hoped. My biggest goal was to see an Ash-throated Flycatcher that’s been seen […]

Central Florida Birding, 4/6/2013
This morning my son had a 9am appointment in Sanford, and I had a work obligation in Orlando at 2pm. Not wanting to risk something going wrong, I decided to stay local and bird my way from Sanford to Orlando. I first went to Spring Hammock Preserve, hoping for a Prothonotary Warbler and Northern Waterthrush. […]

Pasco County, 3/10/2013
This morning I birded West Pasco County with my new friend David Gagne. We had a fantastic time. My biggest hope was to see a Seaside Sparrow, and we found at least one at Werner-Boyce Salt Springs State Park. We heard several Clapper Rails, a Virginia Rail and a Sora. We then went to the […]

Jenney Pond (Arms House Pond) Plymouth, Massachusetts for Photography
Although, one of the great places to photograph waterfowl And other birds in Plymouth, Massachusetts, I call Jenney Pond, because it is the location of the Jenney Grist Mill its actual name is and is located in Town Brook Park, according to Google maps. Year-round, there is a resident population of Mallards, Canada Geese and […]

Lesser Scaup
One of the difficulties in birdwatching is telling similar species apart. In the duck family, the greater and lesser scaup can be difficult to distinguish. In my blog http://photobee1.blogspot.com/2013/02/how-to-recognize-different-species-of.html I gave some helpful hints on how to distinguish between the greater and lesser scaup

Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge Continues to Please
So far into the new year Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge has continued to be VERY active. There has been a good population of roseate spoonbills, america avocets, eagles, and all sorts of ducks. Let me see if I can list some of the ducks in good numbers, american widgeons, northern shovelers, pintails, hooded mergansers, ring-necked, […]