What is Beauty? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or so the saying goes. Beauty can be described as a combination of qualities that pleases the senses. Although, what one person views as “beautiful” may not be “beautiful” to another. I happen to be one of the many people who can see the […]
Tag: Little Blue Heron

Journey of the Migratory Birds in San Antonio – a Journey Cut Short Part 2
January 2020 – Elmendorf Lake Park – Bird Island: The USDA‘s Wildlife Service continues their assault on the Egrets and Herons on Bird Island. Volunteers bang two by four boards at the birds while a USDA employee shoots EPCD’s or Explosive Pest Control Devices out of blank 22 handguns at the birds. The explosives are […]

Journey of the Migratory Birds in San Antonio – A Journey Cut Short – Part 1
Brackenridge Park: As I held a rescued newly hatched Egret chick in my hand back in 2021, I should have known what lie ahead for the migratory birds-a future of harassment, destruction of habitat, and most likely death. Years ago, I overheard someone with the City of San Antonio (COSA) say “they had an Egret […]

San Antonio Bird City Hired a Killer to Manage a Nursery
The City of San Antonio (COSA) hired a “killer” to manage a nursery – aka a rookery. A rookery is a colony of breeding animals, generally gregarious birds. In fact The City of San Antonio hired the USDA‘s Wildlife Services to “manage” the waterbirds that migrate each year to the city to breed. USDA’s Wildlife […]

Crape Murder – They Murdered the trees to Spite the Birds
Crape Murder in Brackenridge Park. The Murder left Crape Myrtle stripped of all her leaves, she was naked, with her crown (top) cut off by city workers known as “Tree Topping.” The other “modified” trees in the park included Cypress, Ash, Pecan, and Oaks that were left with multiple wounds. They murdered the trees to […]

Ecosystem Disruption and Missing Black Vultures
The USDA‘s Wildlife Services new assault on Migratory Birds at Brackenridge Park along with the City of San Antonio Parks turned violent in 2022! The USDA using a Depredation permit for lethal take (killing) from the Fish & Wildlife Service included Black Vultures and other species. I have observed Migratory Egrets and Herons for the […]

Bird City not so bird friendly- the assault on birds in San Antonio
The resolution to recognize Migratory Bird Day based on local efforts to achieve “Bird City Texas” designation was approved by San Antonio City Council and passed in December 2020. The resolution states that “Migratory birds face great perils in their annual hemispheric journeys, and the chiming in of local communities to promote awareness can go […]

Farewell Harns Marsh Preserve And SW Florida
My likely last visit to Harns Marsh Preserve in Lehigh Acres, Florida, occurred in late October when I met up with Canadian wildlife photographer Frank Constantin. The weather was favorable with the grass well groomed and 39 species of bird observed in the ensuing two hours after sunrise during our stay. A good number of […]