With the last days before my next foreign trip, work and family life have been hectic. The glorious, warm sunny Easter weekend of 19th April was spent decorating at home with some time on the beach with friends and family and enjoying the garden. Birding of late has been confined to a few short jaunts […]
Tag: Little Ringed Plover

6th and 13th August – Pennington Marsh
A free Saturday morning on 6th August and I couldn’t resist the pull of Pennington Marsh but a few beers the night before meant a slightly later start so I wasn’t in the car park at Lower Pennington Lane until 08:00 by which time the dog walking hordes had descended. I wandered a short way […]

Breeding Little Ringed Plovers – Jubail
Whilst birding Jubail in May I saw a number of adult Little Ringed Plovers and several juvenile birds indicating successful breeding again in the area this year. Birds arrive early in the year, sometimes as early as January and remain until after the breeding season in August. They are commonly seen around wet areas and […]

Little Ringed Plover & Grey Plover
Davidstow airfield (Cornwall) usually turns up one or two waders passing through in the spring, on driving around the runways I was pleased to find this Little Ringed Plover feeding beside a pool, this is not a common bird in this part of the country and this was the best views I’ve had of one. […]

Black-throated Divers back in the Dale
It’s all getting a bit too busy for blogging! The end of April is always my favourite time and at the moment it is the movement of Teal and other dabbling ducks that is occupying me with the never-ending searching for something rare in their midst. Yesterday I was at Nordre Øyeren. At this time […]

Wheatears and late winter visitors – Jubail
Birding the Jubail area continued turning up migrants and winter visitors with plenty of Great Cormorants staying in the area later this year than previously. They used to be seen rarely in the area but have now started winter in large numbers. Wheatears have been common with Pied Wheatears the commonest although a few Eastern […]

Woodchat Shrike at Sodbury Common
With the Jims needing the Woodchat Shrike for a life tick we headed off up the M4 this morning in search of that tick. Arriving on Sodbury Common at 7ish we got lucky as we pulled up next to the finder and received detailed advise on where to look as he walked on to work […]

Waders and Terns – Jubail
Whilst birding the Jubail area in strong winds and the middle of summer few birds are generally seen. Waders can always be seen on the sabkha but they are restricted to breeding Black-winged stilts and Kentish Plovers as well as further inland Little Ringed Plovers that breed locally. A single Greater Sand Plover was a […]