Shrinking trees and tuskless elephants: the strange ways species are adapting to humans

Shrinking trees and tuskless elephants: the strange ways species are adapting to humans

From the highest mountains to the depths of the ocean, humanity’s influence has touched every part of planet Earth. Many plants and animals are evolving in response, adapting to a human-dominated world. One notable example came during the Industrial Revolution, when the peppered moth turned from black and white to entirely black after soot darkened […]

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Thousands of wild animals ‘slaughtered’ every year to protect shooting for sport on grouse moors

Thousands of wild animals ‘slaughtered’ every year to protect shooting for sport on grouse moors

An Oxford-led academic study has claimed a staggering 260,000 animals are killed in Scotland every year to protect the grouse population for shooting on country estates. They said the practice of using traps to cull predators on Scottish moors causes “tremendous, unjustifiable suffering” to creatures and must be fully banned. Animals targeted include foxes, weasels, […]

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