Last week I drove out to Mead Gardens, hoping to see a Wilson’s Warbler that had been photographed there the day before. Unfortunately, it either moved on or hid from me the whole time I was there, but that’s to be expected. Thankfully, a few days later another Wilson’s Warbler showed up at Central Winds […]
Tag: Mead Gardens

Mead Gardens, 10/26/2013
Mead Gardens has been exceptionally slow all fall with very few warblers stopping by. But I still like to visit from time to time, especially during the Orange Adubon Society Birdwalks. So yesterday morning I joined the group that was there and had a great time. The biggest highlight was seeing a couple Red-headed Woodpeckers. […]

Mead Gardens, 9/11/2013
This morning I met a friend of mine at Mead Gardens. We a very nice time there, though there weren’t many birds to speak of there. We saw or heard five species of warbler: Ovenbird, American Redstart, Common Yellowthroat, Northern Parula, and a Black and White Warbler. We also had fun watching a Great Egret […]

Central Florida Birding, 4/6/2013
This morning my son had a 9am appointment in Sanford, and I had a work obligation in Orlando at 2pm. Not wanting to risk something going wrong, I decided to stay local and bird my way from Sanford to Orlando. I first went to Spring Hammock Preserve, hoping for a Prothonotary Warbler and Northern Waterthrush. […]

Swainson’s Warbler at Mead Gardens, 4/5/2013
This morning I drove by Mead Gardens hoping to find one of the Swainson’s Warblers that were seen there yesterday. A friend of mine was there too, and we ended up finding both Swainson’s Warblers, plus 12 other warbler species: Ovenbird, Worm-eating Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, Orange-crowned Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Northern Parula, Palm Warbler, Pine Warbler, […]

Mead Gardens, 4/1/2013
This morning was pretty fun at Mead Gardens. I saw a couple Barred Owls and a few Wood Ducks that were cooperative with my camera, though most other species I saw were not. I heard a Red-eyed Vireo in the park this morning, and I have a brief glimpse at a Painted Bunting on the […]

Mead Gardens, 3/14/2013
This morning I dropped by Mead Gardens, and I had a pretty good time. Easily the biggest highlight was seeing two Louisiana Waterthrushes. These are really fun warblers, and before this morning I didn’t have any presentable photos of them. All these photos are of the second one I found, which was much more cooperative […]

Mead Gardens, 2/13/2013
There was a sure sign that Spring is returning to Central Florida this morning at Mead Gardens–the lovely sound of Northern Parula singing in the Live Oak trees. It’s a very welcome sound, and I found about 5 this morning, though none posed for photographs. A pair of Wood Ducks, however, were just begging to […]