Merops apiaste South-east of France – Mid-may 2017 About 150 birds on this protected site: Guepier Europeen Sud-est de la France Mi-mai 2017 Environ 150 guêpiers sur ce site heureusement très protégé:
Tag: Noushka

The Great spotted woodpecker family
Last Tuesday morning, the weather was drab and this is probably why the birds were more active than when it is warm and sunny, in which case they remain more readily in the woods. La famille Pic épeiche: Le temps sombre limite pluie mardi matin a probablement favoriser l’activité des pics: en cas de chaleur […]

A Rarity : The Black Wheatear
I was thankful for the opportunity to photograph this rare species and moreover both sexes, but what a pity to speak about it in the past tense in France: the last pair was seen in the Pyrenees in 1996. The 2 birds are black (female dark brown) and the tail has a white strip. It […]

Eurasian wryneck
This migratory bird, first recorded in 1585, spends the winter in tropical Africa and nests in hollow trees or in walls, feeds on ants and their larvae but also on different insects and berries. One of the smallest Picidae species it is about 17cm (6.7in) in length. When excited it uses its neck in snake-wise […]

Eurasian cranes
The weather getting at last better I decided to go see if the “grandes mademoiselles” were present. They are very shy birds and migrate south to winter in Africa, Spain and the south of France. The counts were up to 5000 very recently in the Magnoac region at the Puydarrieux lake, France. The water levels […]

Crested lark
Galerida cristata – Everybody knows the Disney cartoon character Beep beep inspired by the American Roadrunner… well to me this is the bird that resembles it the most in Europe!! It is usually common in Spain but this summer it seemed they were fewer. Cochevis huppé – A mon avis voici l’oiseau qui s’en approche […]

Should shooting stags be allowed during the rut?
La chance me sourit pour l’image ces jours-ci mais elle ne sourit pas aux cerfs porteurs de beaux bois. Non seulement les chasseurs ont droit à 3 jours de battue pendant le brame par semaine, mais aussi à des tirs sauvages ou à l’affût tous les jours. Je suis montée sans trop croire aux possibilités […]

Vautours fauves – Gyps fulvus
Griffon vultures – Vautours fauves – Gyps fulvus – Accipitriformes – Accipitridae In hide for stags, I am sitting on the ground against one of the 2 rocks in the field and literally hidden by a few grass stalks; the camera fixed on the tripod 40 cm above the ground and the camouflage net over […]