Orca Stranded in Remote Lagoon is Successfully Returned to Open Water

Orca Stranded in Remote Lagoon is Successfully Returned to Open Water

A young orca calf found herself trapped in the shallow waters of Little Espinosa inlet, on the north-western fringes of Vancouver Island. Named kʷiisaḥiʔis (pronounced kwee-sahay-is), which translates to Brave Little Hunter, the two-year-old calf faced weeks of uncertainty following the tragic loss of her mother, Spong, on 23 March. The plight of kʷiisaḥiʔis captured […]

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Extinction risk to southern resident orcas accelerating as researchers raise alarm

Extinction risk to southern resident orcas accelerating as researchers raise alarm

Orca scientist Rob Williams always thought that conservation was a knowledge problem, that once science showed why a species was declining, people would fix it. But new research concludes otherwise. Even in the case of one of the world’s most charismatic species, the endangered southern resident killer whales that frequent Puget Sound are facing an […]

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Heartbreaking footage of baby orca refusing to leave lagoon where its mother died is captured off Vancouver Island coast – as rescues scramble to save the young whale’s life

Heartbreaking footage of baby orca refusing to leave lagoon where its mother died is captured off Vancouver Island coast – as rescues scramble to save the young whale’s life

A two-year-old orca has been circling a Canadian lagoon for days, refusing to leave the area where its mother died on the shore. The young whale’s mother, named Spong, passed away after she became trapped in the shallow waters off the west coast of Vancouver. Wildlife officials and scientists are now in a race against […]

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Researchers Use Drones and Infrared Cameras to Help Endangered Orcas in the Pacific

Researchers Use Drones and Infrared Cameras to Help Endangered Orcas in the Pacific

In an audacious twist on wildlife conservation, veterinarians are now making “house calls” to the majestic killer whales of the Pacific Northwest. Armed with drones and infrared cameras, a team of intrepid researchers is pioneering a novel approach to monitoring and potentially treating endangered orcas in the wild.  Source: San Diego Zoo/YouTube The focus […]

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