One of the World’s Oldest Penguins Hatches a Chick with New Boy Toy 26 Years Younger

One of the World’s Oldest Penguins Hatches a Chick with New Boy Toy 26 Years Younger

A great-great-great grandmother Humboldt pengiun in England’s blustery eastern coast has brought a member of yet another generation into the world after she shacked up with a bird 20-plus years her junior. Windy surprised everyone at the zoo when during the last breeding season she paired with 4-year-old Nacho. A pairing doesn’t guarantee that mating […]

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Bird flu may have killed THOUSANDS of penguins in Antarctica: Researchers suspect outbreak of deadly H5N1 virus is behind deaths of around 530 – with many more feared to have died

Bird flu may have killed THOUSANDS of penguins in Antarctica: Researchers suspect outbreak of deadly H5N1 virus is behind deaths of around 530 – with many more feared to have died

Bird flu may have killed thousands of penguins in Antarctica, researchers have said as they probe a suspected outbreak of the deadly virus. A scientific expedition last month found at least 532 dead Adelie penguins in Antarctica, with thousands more thought to have died, according to a statement from Federation University Australia. Researchers suspect the […]

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Miami Seaquarium is Getting Evicted, but Where Will the Animals Go?

Miami Seaquarium is Getting Evicted, but Where Will the Animals Go?

As the closure of the Miami Seaquarium draws near, questions surrounding the future of its inhabitants remain unanswered. CBS News Miami recently reached out to the Miami-Dade County Mayor’s Office and the Miami Seaquarium regarding the fate of the animals post-closure but received no definitive answers.  Source: USA TODAY/YouTube This uncertainty comes after years […]

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Bird flu found in mammals near Antarctica for the first time, scientists say

Bird flu found in mammals near Antarctica for the first time, scientists say

Bird flu has made its way into fur and elephant seal populations for the first time on the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia, a team of scientists confirmed on Thursday, setting off alarm bells for conservationists as the highly contagious disease has already killed millions of birds worldwide. Scientists first suspected the presence of avian […]

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