– Vulpes vulpes – I was seeing this fox once in a while in the garden at different times of the day, mostly at dusk but one morning after coming back from shopping and stuffing my fridge, I saw him right in front of the kitchen door! This time, I thought “he” might be ‘ripe’ […]
Tag: Red Fox

Foxy Face
Southern Africa has a couple of interesting canids to see when you are on safari. Besides plenty of Black-backed Jackals, the rare Side-striped Jackal and the funky-looking Bat-Eared Fox…there’s also the Cape Fox (Vulpes Chama). This is our only true fox species, and they are beautiful and great fun to photograph. Later this year I […]

More Japanese Reed Buntings
I had planned a longer photography trip this weekend, specifically to look for Pleske’s Grasshopper Warbler, however the typhoon that was supposed to pass across from the Japan Sea to the Pacific Ocean promptly decided to turn itself into a depression and sit just off the western coast of Kyushu! After a bit of procrastination, […]

Blandade bilder
När man är ute och rör på sig så ser man många djur men kanske inte alltid på det fotoavstånd man vill och man kanske inte har med sig de brännvidder (objektiv) som man önskar, men man vill ändå dokumentera det man ser. Här lite bilder som tillkommit senaste veckan och då bara på det […]

Mammals of Eastern Hokkaido
During our time in Eastern Hokkaido we saw quite a few terrestrial and marine mammals, and managed to get some photos of a couple.

Fox and wild boars
A stroll in the countryside allowed me to encounter 3 beautiful wild animals. Renard et sangliers – Promenade d’hier, 3 belles rencontres!Il y avait longtemps que je n’avais pas vu de renard; celui-ci est magnifique avec une queue très fournie, il semble en pleine forme! Vulpes vulpes (Canidae) – Red Fox – It’s been a […]