In 2013, when I did my Conservation Big Year, one of the birds I was most focused on seeing was the Lesser Prairie-Chicken. I saw and heard my first ones way back in April 1996 when my sister-in-law Jeanie and I took a road trip out West. One of my destinations was Lamar, Colorado, where […]
Tag: Sage-grouse

End of the Season Blues
Birds? I still like ’em, I still take pictures of them. I am now back in civilization, society. There are 2 positive things about this: The internet, and my cats have a house to run around in again, not a wee trailer. I’m already feeling clausterphobic after less than 24 hours though. Oh boy, not […]

Sage Grouse Strut
Finally had a chance to see a greater-sage grouse lek (and a sharp-tailed lek, too!) last week. It’s nearing the end of lekking season, but there were still about 45 males (and a few females showed up) strutting their stuff. The first day I went out there were 40 mph winds and I couldn’t even […]

The U.S. House of Representatives Declares War on Wildlife and the Environment
Can the second session of the 113th U.S. House of Representatives be any more harmful to wildlife and the environment than the first session of 2013? It appears that they can! On January 3, 2014, the U.S. House of Representatives convened to start its second session of the 113th Congress. By the end of the […]

Rare Art Works by John James Audubon at Auction on December 5th Part VI
A rare collection of 82 original, hand-colored engravings of birds and quadrupeds by John James Audubon will come under the hammer in New York on 5th December 2012. “The Birds of America” was published in London between 1827 and 1838 by Robert Havell. Although some items will be purchased by art galleries for public display, […]

Greater Sage-Grouse On The Lek – A Sure Sign Of Spring
There is no surer sign of spring in the American West than the Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) strutting their stuff on their breeding grounds, known as leks. The Grouse return to traditional leks year after year. Males display two inflated yellow air sacks on their throats and spread their long pointed tail feathers to attract […]